Pianos for Sale Piano Near Perfect condition ready for pick-up truck dock

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The piano likely dates prior to the 1935 time-frame we believe. II was acquired by my mother-in-law after WW-2 when she came from central Europe to the states. For more than 75 years kept in excellent condition by our family. My wife, as a child, used it in Newton and then we moved it to our home in Dover where it has been in a climate controlled room for some 35+ years. Currently located in a large climate-controlled performance room-
Pick-up at truck-dock or street-level height

• The mahogany finish is in excellent condition as is also all of the mechanism:
o Ivory keys – in excellent condition
o All strings, dampers, soundboard, pedals clean - although one bumper is a bit frayed - needs replacement or trimming
o Bench
o Need tuning
• It was last used by our daughter before she left for medical school some 10 years. A friend who checked it out last week (jazz player) found its only fault was the tuning – said it sounded like a rag-time player given need to tuning. He is the one who suggested the age based on the serial number.
Price: $1,800 USD
Ad #: 57484
Manufacturer: Knabe
Model: Grand
Serial #: 108603
Year: 1935 - 1948 unknown
Length: 5'9"
Finish: Semi-Gloss
Color/Wood: Mahogany
City/State: Dover, Massachusetts
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Posted: 10/13/2024
Views: 700

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