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Selling Your Piano

Step 1: Create an account
Your free PianoMart account allows you to place ads, watch items, and create a wish list for customized notifications.

Step 2: Place an ad
Standard listings are FREE. If your piano sells as a result of our ad, we require a 3% referral fee payment. If your ad doesn’t sell, there’s no fee.

Step 3: Choose your listing
You may choose to upgrade your free ad to one of our paid listing options: Verified Seller Listing, Showcase Listing, or Featured Showcase Listing. Details on costs and benefits of each are available once you are logged in.

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Piano Selling Tips & Advice

Some basic information is required to place a piano ad (type, size, finish, color, price and headline). In our experience, the most successful listings include more than that. Consider the following when creating your ad:


  1. How long have you had the piano and how has it been used? Where was it before?
  2. Have you refurbished it or made any structural or mechanical repairs?
  3. What is its current condition: is the finish blemished, do all the keys work, when was it last tuned?


  • Full piano with lid/case closed
  • String(s) by tuning pins
  • String(s) by bridges
  • Hammers
  • Soundboard