Pianos for Sale Apollo Baby Grand Needs a New Home

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Hello friends. This 100 year old beautiful Apollo baby grand has been in my family for 52 years. My father purchased it around 1973 from a Piano Tuner. At eight, I started taking piano lessons from Sister Rita at my elementary school Saint Anne’s in North Minneapolis. In 1976, the Piano moved with us to two different family homes in Rochester, New York. I’ll never forget my other music teacher— Mr. Musicus! It then downsized with my parents when they moved into a townhouse in Rochester, New York. When my parents decided to move to Las Cruces, New Mexico around 2007 they invited me to “store” it for them in my home in Minneapolis. For the past 18 years, this beautiful family heirloom has been a source of peace, healing, and entertainment. I played off and on over the years. One of our kids took piano lessons and wrote music on that piano. Now the Piano shares space in my art studio. It’s time to pay forward this beautiful little gem, as I grow in my art and do more art and less playing on the piano. I hope it brings you 52 years of joy as it has our family.
Price: $5,000 USD
Ad #: 60051
Manufacturer: Other Makers
Model: Apollo Baby Grand
Serial #: 64414
Year: 1925
Length: 4'9"
Finish: Semi-Gloss
Color/Wood: Mahogany
City/State: Minneapolis , Minnesota
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Posted: 03/09/2025
Views: 23

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