Pianos for Sale Golden Era Model 0 in excellent shape

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This piano was owned by one family until I bought it 20 years ago. They sent it back to Steinway in the late 30s to be restrung and ivory replaced.
Steve Greenstein (president of restorers guild for a few years) replaced the action, not including dampers, with Renner action. Regulation is sweet, 51 grams I think.
Soundboard is solid, no cracks, no repairs.
A few nicks in the usual places, but in good shape.
Sustenudo works.
Dampchaser system for at least the last 20 years.
Katya Greneva, who played Carnegie Hall more than any other person, chose this piano for a small concert in preparation for a CH performance. She commented that what it lacked in technical response was more than made up for by its personality and grace.
Price: $12,000 USD
Ad #: 55307
Manufacturer: Steinway & Sons
Model: O
Serial #: 148283
Year: 1910
Length: 5'11"
Finish: Satin
Color/Wood: Ebony
City/State: Accord, New York
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Posted: 12/17/2024
Views: 340

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